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St Gregory'sCatholic School

Every child is known and loved

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Every child is known and loved

Curriculum Intent

St Gregory’s Catholic School Intent Statement


Our school is a community centred on the Catholic ethos that strives for excellence, and teaches students the knowledge, skills and attributes they require to be effective ‘life-long learners’. Students are happy and fulfilled, because they are nurtured in an environment where they are cared for, known and loved, and encouraged to be unique individuals. We pride ourselves on educating students academically, morally and spiritually, to go out into the world as socially responsible and successful individuals who have a strong sense of how they will use their skills and talents to make the world a better place. We do this by providing a curriculum rich in knowledge and skills, focused on strong relationships which encourage shared values and mutual respect.


At St Gregory’s we develop young people who think deeply, are knowledgeable and are informed because they understand how to learn and the value of learning. Students make and articulate informed judgements, hold discussions and show compassion and empathy that enables them to make considered decisions and partake fully in wider society. St Gregory’s underpins the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership vision of a rich, child-centred curriculum that fosters a love of learning.


Our ambitious curriculum carefully sequences learning, so that students learn and apply knowledge and skills which are enhanced further with an exciting diversity of enrichment activities. We strive to provide world-class opportunities for our students, and seek to develop the ‘whole person’. Our carefully considered curriculum is well planned, well-structured and thoughtfully sequenced, so that long term learning builds. Memory is fundamental and is developed by students thinking hard to retrieve knowledge, spacing concepts and skills in each subject, and interleaving them throughout the curriculum.


With Christ’s love at the centre of all that we do, our curriculum aims to develop young people who:

  • Are happy and feel fulfilled
  • Are curious, enjoy learning and have high expectations for themselves and are ambitious for their futures
  • Act as positive role models, guiding others by example
  • Can make and articulate informed decisions and take responsibility for themselves
  • Approach activities with effort and commitment, showing resilience and perseverance
  • Demonstrate respect, compassion and empathy towards the beliefs and values of others


What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here.

Kent Catholic Schools' Partnership Statement of Curriculum Intent


I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.


John 10: Chapter 10. V 10.


Inspired by Jesus Christ’s example and the Gospel values of love, joy and compassion, we nurture and develop the whole child so that each unique individual grows constantly in confidence, and has the knowledge, skills and self-esteem to achieve their true potential. All children will access a rich, ambitious, challenging curriculum; one that is broad, balanced and relevant, fostering curiosity, creativity and a lifelong love of learning. It will prepare them well for each stage of education, employment or training and enable them, as educated citizens, to contribute to creating a better world.

Kent Catholic Schools' Partnership English Baccalaureate (EBacc) Statement


All KCSP Secondary Academies are committed to ensuring that as many pupils as possible study the EBacc suite of qualifications. To this end, we ensure that:


  • All pupils have full access to EBacc options when making GCSE choices. Every pupil in a KCSP Secondary Academy will be able to study EBacc options.
  • All pupils whose prior attainment and progress at KS3 suggest that they may ‘achieve’ the EBacc suite of qualifications at GCSE Grade 5 or above are strongly encouraged to choose these options. This is communicated to pupils in assemblies, 1:1 interviews and via communication with their parents/carers; e.g., all Open Days or Parent/Carer Evenings will include promotion of the EBacc suite as a positive Catholic curriculum option
  • All pupils are informed of the benefits of studying the EBacc suite of subjects.
  • All pupils are given access to high-quality teaching in EBacc subjects in Key Stage 3.


Given the differences in prior attainment across the academies and the varying interests and needs of the children, EBacc entries will vary between academies and from year-to-year. However, our positive promotion of EBacc subjects will see an upward trajectory in entries over time.

Our Values

Ambition Rooted firmly in Catholic teachings, we aim to nurture and guide our students to fulfil their God-given potential so they may achieve success.

Leadership We strive to be a community of servant leaders, where individuals gain a clear sense of self and purpose, knowing their values and using these to guide how they enrich the community in which they belong.

Integrity We teach our students to value honesty and have strong moral principles, using their discernment to govern their actions and take responsibility for their choices.

Vigour Inspired by the life of St Gregory, we empower our students to work with vigour, so they approach all activities and opportunities with effort, energy and enthusiasm.

Empathy We aim for our students to understand and value the feelings of others and for them to know they are loved and celebrated irrespective of their differences.


Trust Information

St Gregory's Catholic School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Gregory's Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
