Thank you for considering St Gregory’s for your child.
Year 7 students join us in September following their 11th birthday. Students also join us at other times and in other year groups (called ‘in-year’ or ‘casual admissions’). We welcome many new students, as well as current St Gregory’s students, to our vibrant Sixth Form.
Full details of our admissions for all year groups and the appeals process can be found in our admissions policy.
We understand that making sure you find the best school for your child is essential. Please, therefore, feel free to contact us to discuss how the school can meet the needs and aspirations of your child.
Contact details for our Admissions Team: / 01892 527 444 ext 9102
Admission Procedure
Please read the Admissions Policy and Procedure which can be found on the school’s website here.
Please also ensure that you have read the school’s Privacy Notice, which can be found on the school’s website here.
Applications for Year 7 for entry in 2025
The school participates in the Kent County Council Co-ordinated Admission Scheme. All applicants for a place in Year 7 at St Gregory's Catholic School will need to apply online via Kent County Council.
In addition, please also complete the Supplementary Information Form (SIF) 2025-2026 which can be found below, if applicable, for example, if your child:
- is a baptised Catholic;
- has a sibling already at the school;
- attends one of our Catholic partner primary schools (for new Year 7 intake only);
- has a parent who is a member of staff;
- is committed to another Christian denomination or other faith.
For Year 7 entry in September 2025 please return the Supplementary Information Form 2025-2026 to the Admissions Officer at the school (not Kent County Council) no later than 31st October 2024 in order that we may rank your application.
If applicable you must send a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate and/or Other Faith Reference, to the Admissions Officer at the school along with the completed form.
St Gregory’s gives higher priority to baptised Catholics and those applying under the other faith categories who attend their place of worship on a regular basis.
Please note failure to submit a completed Supplementary Information form when applying for a Catholic school place may result in your application not being placed in the correct category and could result in you not receiving an offer of a place.
Please note that if you are not offered a place and submit an appeal, a copy of the Supplementary Information Form will be submitted to the Appeal Panel.
Late Applications for Year 7 in 2024 and In-Year Admissions for Year Groups 7 - 11
Applications made too late for the Kent co-ordinated system, In-year applications for year 7 and applications for entry to years 8-11 must be made on the In-Year Admission Form (IYAF). The same policy and procedure (apart from the timetable) applies to these applications.
Please return the In Year Admission Form and the Supplementary Information Form, if applicable, to the Admissions Office at the school.
Parents will be notified of the outcome of their in-year application within 15 school days detailing any reason for refusal and information about the right to appeal.
Sixth Form
Please click here for information on Sixth Form
Parents whose applications for places are unsuccessful may appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel set up in accordance with sections 88 and 94 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. Appeals must be made in writing and must set out the reasons on which the appeal is made. Appeals should be sent to the Admissions Office at the school address. Please click below for more information: