Student Leadership
“Ask Jesus what he wants from you and be brave!”- Pope Francis
We believe all our students are uniquely placed to do God’s work on Earth. We want them to be ready and willing to play their role in service of God’s kingdom. We teach and encourage our students to become servant leaders, embracing a growth mindset, equipping themselves to serve and leading others for a better future. The path of servant leadership is a learning journey, and we aim to support our students through change projects until they learn how to serve their community as leaders of powerful change.
Feel: Awareness, Listening & Empathy
Students spend time identify issues in their community. They spend time investigating this and identify the root cause of the issue, understanding the issue from a range of perspectives.
Imagine: Vision, Collaboration & Critical Thinking
Students imagine solutions to the issues they have identified. They form teams with the common goal of solving the identified problems. They explore a wide range of solutions together and then apply a quality assurance process to select the most appropriate one.
Do: Planning, Implementation & Evaluation
Students carefully plan the implementation of their chosen solution. They carefully document their actions and decisions and then evaluate the extent to which they have achieved their goals.
Share: Inspire, Encourage & Lead
Students proudly share the work they have done. This inspires others and encourages them to do similar work. This is the true essence of servant leadership – enabling others to follow their example and serve by leading positive change.