Remote Learning
Remote Learning Provision
If for any reason the school has to close, there will be an expectation for students to complete work for the lessons they would have had at school. All teaching staff will set work via our online platforms, and all students and parents should have access to these. Teachers will collect work during the next lesson. Please can parents ensure that your child completes this work to a high standard.
To access these resources, please see the guides below on how to log in.
Edulink One
At St Gregory’s, we use Edulink One which is a parent portal and communication app which keeps your child’s school information in one place, so parents can be more informed and involved in their child’s learning journey.
When children start in Year 7 in September, new parents will need to download the Edulink One app which is available on the Play Store and the App store, or can be viewed on a web browser. Username and password log in details for each child will be shared via email during the first two weeks of term. Once logged in, parents will be able to access a range of features to help support the transition into secondary school including attendance, homework tasks, merits, clubs and timetables, as well as report absences, view detentions and communicate with teachers.