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St Gregory'sCatholic School

Every child is known and loved

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Every child is known and loved

Digital Strategy

Our digital strategy is to develop an integrated digital ecosystem that enables all of our stakeholders to connect online and interact digitally. It is our role as Educators to prepare our pupils for a rapidly changing world where Digital technology is at the forefront. COVID-19 made Digital Technology become an integral part of our learning journey and it has created opportunities to extend learning well beyond the classroom and to share information in a variety of engaging formats.


As Digital Technology continues to change the way we live, learn, work and communicate. It is essential to us that we develop responsible digital citizens who are ready for the world of employment in a 21st century workplace. We believe that all learners should have access to Digital Technology, and through the Digital Device Schemes that we offer, we wish to combat the Digital Divide and ensure that no child is left behind or without.


The use of technology in our classrooms is incorporated carefully in to our curriculum and it is not used for the sake of it. Technology has its place in the classroom to support pupils building a lifelong love for learning by offering them a blended approach. The technology helps to enhance pupils’ learning and progress as they make their journey through the curriculum, supplementing their learning through the development of their digital skills and digital literacy. We are committed to ensuring students and teachers can employ the most appropriate tools for learning at the right time, including when they are not in school.


Below are some examples of the areas that we actively engage with as part of our digital strategy (this list is not exhaustive):

  • Promote good digital citizenship across all year groups
  • Ensure our students know how to be safe online
  • Consider the implications of any new solutions to ensure online safety obligations are at the forefront of our decision making
  • Providing a robust and suitable digital infrastructure
  • Engagement with the Naace Mark Award Self-Review Framework
  • Opportunities for our students to access a digital device through appropriate schemes
  • Utilise the software available within the Microsoft Office 365 suite
  • Integrate other key educational software and digital resources effectively
  • Equipping staff with appropriate training
  • Recycling electronic equipment responsibly
  • Being mindful of our environment and ensuring we limit the use of printing
  • Outline measures that will allow us to critically evaluate our impact which, in turn, can help shape and improve future practice

Our Values

Ambition Rooted firmly in Catholic teachings, we aim to nurture and guide our students to fulfil their God-given potential so they may achieve success.

Leadership We strive to be a community of servant leaders, where individuals gain a clear sense of self and purpose, knowing their values and using these to guide how they enrich the community in which they belong.

Integrity We teach our students to value honesty and have strong moral principles, using their discernment to govern their actions and take responsibility for their choices.

Vigour Inspired by the life of St Gregory, we empower our students to work with vigour, so they approach all activities and opportunities with effort, energy and enthusiasm.

Empathy We aim for our students to understand and value the feelings of others and for them to know they are loved and celebrated irrespective of their differences.

Trust Information

St Gregory's Catholic School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Gregory's Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
