Contact Us
St Gregory's Catholic School, Reynolds Lane, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 9XL
Tel: 01892 527444
Opening times: 8:00am - 3:30pm Monday to Friday
General enquiries: Mrs Fearon - Email:
Application Packs: Mrs Burgess - Email:
For student absence, lateness or appointments - Email:
Headteacher - Mr M Wilson
Tel: 01892 527444
Chair of Local Governance Committee - Mr David Lain
SENCO - Mrs S Hawkins
Tel: 01892 527444
Kent Catholic Schools' Partnership
Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ
Telephone: 01622 232662
Meet Our Staff
Deputy Headteachers
Mr N Bradbury: Behaviour, Attitudes and Pastoral Manager
Mrs P Kerr: Quality of Education - Intent and Impact
Assistant Headteachers
Mr M Gainey: Teaching and Learning
Mr G Callahan-Ferris: Headteacher of the St Francis De Sales Centre for the Deaf
Mrs S Eves-Dann: Head of Key Stage 3
Mr J Cumber: Head of Key Stage 4
Mrs A Morrissey: Head of Sixth Form
Head of Year
Miss D Beckett: Head of Year 8
Miss Z Maynard: Head of Year 10
Mr J Clifford: Head of Year 12
Mrs A Morrissey: Head of Year 13
Designated Safeguarding Leads
Mr G Callahan-Ferris: Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs S Hawkins: Deputy Safeguarding Lead for SEND/Acting DSL*
Mrs R Walker: Deputy Safeguarding Lead Transition
Mrs S Eves-Dann: Deputy Safeguarding Lead KS3
Mr J Cumber: Deputy Safeguarding Lead KS4
Mrs A Morrissey: Deputy Safeguarding Lead KS5
Mr N Bradbury: Deputy Headteacher & Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Mr R Fuller: Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Miss R Lavender: Safeguarding Officer and Senior Pastoral Manager
*in absence of DSL
Other Senior Members of Staff
Mrs J Burton: School Chaplain
Mr S Mullen: Area Business Manager
Please see the Kent Catholic Schools Partnership website for the following Trust documentation: KCSP Memorandum and Articles of Association, KCSP Master Funding Agreement KCSP Annual Report, details of KCSP Trust Members and Directors.