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St Gregory'sCatholic School

Every child is known and loved

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Every child is known and loved

Information on Sixth Form

Studying in Sixth Form


The Sixth Form Induction Programme

The nature of Sixth Form study and life is different from any other year group and the transition from Year 11 to Year 12 is well planned by the school. Every student who decides to take on the challenges of further study beyond compulsory education must be prepared to be a thinker, an organiser and a team member. Our Induction Programme is divided between study-based activities and activities to develop group dynamics, to encourage team building, leadership & communication skills.


Working as an effective team member in the Sixth Form is essential for the good of the whole Sixth Form and for the individuals within it. It also makes many of our students aware of their own potential but more importantly it will make them aware of other students' potential. This experience aims to present our students with physical and mental challenges, which can only be overcome by team efforts.


In Year 11 students will take part in a Sixth Form taster day, to help them discover for themselves the subjects that have the most appeal at A Level.


Our Induction Programme starts in the first two days of Term One. Every student wishing to enter Year 12 is expected to attend the Induction Programme.


Expectations of minimum hours of study

To be successful in your studies, you need to balance your time carefully. Most students will have part time jobs or be involved with other activities outside school. Although we encourage this, it is essential that you get the balance right. Therefore we would expect:

  • Non-Contact periods being used appropriately
  • A minimum of 5 hours studying per week at home for each of your subjects at advanced level.
  • A maximum of 8 hours part time work per week.


Private Study - Non Contact Lessons

  • You are expected to use these periods wisely and productively. Remember that background reading is important in all subjects and a key to remembering information is to read the main facts again after the lesson
  • Whatever course you are studying, you should be spending five hours at least on private study in addition to your lessons. Good students will usually spend a lot more time than this.
  • You must not play football or other games in your non-contact lessons, this time must be used for private study only

Our Values

Ambition Rooted firmly in Catholic teachings, we aim to nurture and guide our students to fulfil their God-given potential so they may achieve success.

Leadership We strive to be a community of servant leaders, where individuals gain a clear sense of self and purpose, knowing their values and using these to guide how they enrich the community in which they belong.

Integrity We teach our students to value honesty and have strong moral principles, using their discernment to govern their actions and take responsibility for their choices.

Vigour Inspired by the life of St Gregory, we empower our students to work with vigour, so they approach all activities and opportunities with effort, energy and enthusiasm.

Empathy We aim for our students to understand and value the feelings of others and for them to know they are loved and celebrated irrespective of their differences.

Trust Information

St Gregory's Catholic School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Gregory's Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
