Emergency Closure
School Closure
If we have to make the decision to close the school during the day due to unforeseen circumstances or worsening weather conditions, it is not always possible to notify parents in advance.
It is imperative that children know what to do in such a situation. For example, are they aware of where they should go in the event the school has to close early; do they know how to get home by public transport; do they have “emergency” money available at all times; do they have keys to their house, etc.
Students who are not permitted to leave in these circumstances should report to Reception where staff will contact parents to make the necessary arrangements.
Snow and Ice
Snow and ice can sometimes cause disruption to travel to and from school. We make every effort, subject to health and safety requirements, to keep St Gregory’s open so our students can continue to learn.
However, if severe weather occurs, we will assess the safety of the school site and if we believe there is a risk to safety, or if bus companies advise that road conditions are deteriorating, closure of the school may be necessary. Should we need to close the school, information will be posted on the home page of the school website.