Student Chaplaincy Team
St Gregory’s has an excellent chaplaincy team which includes students from each year group.
This is a key opportunity for students to lead at St Gregory’s. Students support many areas of school life including:
- leading prayer in staff briefing; organisation of charity events;
- supporting the planning of year group retreats;
- participation in prayer and liturgy;
- visiting primary schools and local parishes.
Students are welcome and encouraged over their time at St Gregory’s to engage with their faith through acts of individual and collective worship.
We believe that faith grows when you put it into action and so much of what we do within chaplaincy at school is just that – students are constantly raising money and awareness for a number of different charities and organisations from across the world. We encourage students to be Christ like in their generosity and willingness to help those less fortunate than ourselves.
Our student chaplaincy team always display the best behaviour in and around school as well as a fantastic attitude to learning and a desire to help one another both in our school community and beyond. They are proud to be known as children of God.