Key Stage 4
Year 10 and 11
Students study a two-year GCSE curriculum at St Gregory’s Catholic School. The curriculum offered in the Upper School aims to provide a breadth of subjects, inclusive to all of our students. Students follow courses leading to six core GCSEs and four optional GCSE or GCSE equivalent courses in the following subjects:
Core Subjects:
- Religious Education
- English Language
- English Literature
- Mathematics
- Sciences: GCSE Combined and Separate Sciences
Students then have a choice of subjects leading to GCSE or GCSE equivalence:
- Art and Design
- Art and Design Practice: Fashion and Textiles (BTEC Level 2)
- Art and Design Practice: Product Design (BTEC Level 2)
- Computer Science
- Drama
- Food Preparation and Nutrition
- Geography
- History
- ICT Cambridge National Certificate in Creative iMedia
- Modern Foreign Languages: French and Spanish
- Music
- Physical Education
- Statistics
Other Non-GCSE courses:
- Supported Studies
- Certificate or Personal Effectiveness (CoPE: Level 1 and Level 2)
*All students also partake in weekly Games lessons (Non-GCSE)