Results rise for St Gregory’s students
Bucking the national picture, examination results at St Gregory’s show a rise on last year’s outcomes which were based on teacher assessments.
Three quarters of students have achieved 5 or more standard passes in their GCSEs (grade 4 or above) including English and Mathematics and several students have excelled by gaining the top grade 9 across a range of subjects. We are delighted with the range of outcomes for all students which reflects the distinctive nature of our inclusive school.
Over 90% of students achieved a standard pass in English and 80% in Mathematics. More than three quarters of students achieved a strong pass in English and more than half achieved a strong pass in Mathematics (grade 5 or above). Over half achieved a strong pass in English and Mathematics combined, and four fifths achieved the standard pass. These results represent a significant success for students in these two all-important, rigorous subjects.
Attainment in other subjects is equally impressive with a quarter of students achieving the English Baccalaureate which requires strong passes in the humanities of Geography and History, Modern Foreign Languages, including French and Spanish and the Sciences, alongside strong passes in English and Mathematics. Collectively these are the key subjects required for students’ destinations to the top universities in two years’ time.
Outcomes in a range of other subjects are also very impressive including RE, Art and Design, Design and Technology, Music, PE and Statistics.
We are delighted that several students have gained an average of grade 7 or above, including grade 9s across all their subjects taken, including: Padraic, Ella, Kai, Sum Miu, Daniel, Max, Isabelle and Reuben.
Principal Sean McQuillan said, “Congratulations to all of our students who worked through an incredibly tough two years to achieve these results. We all know how hard it has been at times, but also how hard you have worked. It’s worth remembering that this is only the third year of examinations under the new GCSEs and grading, and I’m delighted to see that our students have fared so well with the relentless support and expertise of their teachers, whom I would like to thank. Results days at St Gregory’s are always a delight with so many of our students achieving beyond expectations.”