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St Gregory'sCatholic School

Every child is known and loved

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Every child is known and loved

Year 13 Catholic Forum

On Monday 14th March, we were delighted to welcome back 'The Catholic Forum' as part of our Year 13 General RE lessons. The forum consists of a panel of Catholics, this year's panel included Fr Ed Tomlinson, Fr Ben Fadoju, Fr Peter Littleton, Jane Ireland our school Chaplain and Mrs Miller. 


The panel sat at the front of the school Chapel and were asked a series of questions by our Year 13 students about the Catholic faith and teachings. Questions ranged from teachings on sexism and the inclusive nature of the Catholic Church.  


Year 13 thoroughly enjoyed the forum, they listened carefully and engaged in thoughtful dialogue. The only piece of feedback we had from both the panel and the students is that it needed to be longer as we did not get through all the questions our inquisitive Year 13 students wanted answered, this is something we are looking into for future forums. 

Our Values

Ambition Rooted firmly in Catholic teachings, we aim to nurture and guide our students to fulfil their God-given potential so they may achieve success.

Leadership We strive to be a community of servant leaders, where individuals gain a clear sense of self and purpose, knowing their values and using these to guide how they enrich the community in which they belong.

Integrity We teach our students to value honesty and have strong moral principles, using their discernment to govern their actions and take responsibility for their choices.

Vigour Inspired by the life of St Gregory, we empower our students to work with vigour, so they approach all activities and opportunities with effort, energy and enthusiasm.

Empathy We aim for our students to understand and value the feelings of others and for them to know they are loved and celebrated irrespective of their differences.

Trust Information

St Gregory's Catholic School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Gregory's Catholic School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
